
  • 5 real-demo-cases have been selected which on top of covering different building typologies and climates (Continental, Mediterranean and Oceanic) will also test different solutions offered by the BIO4EEB project.
  • 3 virtual demo-cases are selected in order to complement the real demo sites with remaining popular building typologies and climates present throughout Europe.

Historical/protected residential complex refurbishment, Mallorca, Spain (TANDEM)

1 of 5

“Halles des Ardoines” – Refurbishment of former train maintenance halls into offices and workspaces, Vitry-sur-Seine, France (BOUYGUES-CONSTRUCTION)

2 of 5

Refurbishment of an office building now used for housing, Menden, Germany (3L)

3 of 5

Suburban semi-detached house refurbishment, Prague, Czech Republic (STU-K)

4 of 5

Suburban two-family house, Vilnius, Lithuania (PROTECH)

5 of 5

Multifamily Apartment, ITALY – Mediterranean Climate

1 of 3

Terraced Family House, BELGIUM – Oceanic Climate

2 of 3

Single Family House, HUNGARY – Middle European Continental

3 of 3