BIO4EEB Local Open Event – France

Following the presentation of BIO4EEB during the CYNEO inauguration at Halles des Ardoines, France, our partner, Bouygues Construction, organized a webinar on December 6th in France. The primary goal of this webinar was to introduce the European project BIO4EEB, covering its context, objectives, impacts, technologies, and schedule. Additionally, the “Halles des Ardoines” project in Vitry-sur-Seine was highlighted as a future demonstrator of BIO4EEB solutions. The webinar explored into the methodology employed for creating a digital twin of the building, which will support the design and performance monitoring of the BIO4EEB façade.

  • Event title: Expérimentation biosourcée dans les Halles des Ardoines Présentation du projet européen BIO4EEB
  • Date: 6th December 2023
  • Speakers:
    1. Klaus LUIG,
    2. Jennifer PONTE,
    3. Hadrien RUSSELLE,
    4. Christine GREZES,
    5. Jérome LOYWICK

The first round of local open events is taking place at the project’s 5 demo-case host countries. These series of events are held in local languages and would allow all target groups and especially the general public to concretely get informed about the BIO4EEB project.

Webinar description in French:
“L’objectif de ce webinaire était de présenter le projet européen BIO4EEB (contexte, objectifs, impacts, technologies, calendrier) ainsi que le projet de réhabilitation des grandes halles des Ardoines à Vitry-sur-Seine, en tant que futur démonstrateur des solutions BIO4EEB. Le webinaire a également permis d’aborder la méthodologie employée pour créer un jumeau numérique du bâtiment, qui servira d’aide à la conception et au suivi des performances de la façade BIO4EEB.”

 Below you will find the recording of the webinar: 

Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.