BIO4EEB Local Open Event – Czech Republic

The first round of local open events is taking place at the project’s 5 demo-case host countries. These series of events are held in local languages and would allow all target groups and especially the general public to concretely get informed about the BIO4EEB project.

Our partner, STU-K, together with the support of R2M Solution France, organised the event on 28th of November in Czech Republic in online webinar format. The webinar was attended by 24 participants and covered the following three topics:

  1. Introduction to the project BIO4EEB. Work packages, demonstration projects. Expected results.
  2. Overview of bio-based materials. Properties. Geographic availability. BIO4EEB materials for Demo projects. Testing properties of BIO4EEB materials at the Technical University.
  3. Demonstration project Brezany II in Czech Republic. Building description, technical data, preliminary design, metering, KPIs, conclusions.
  • Event title: Demonstrační projekt  Břežany II
  • Date: 28th November 2023
  • Speakers:
    1. Radka Vimmrová
    2. Alena Vimmrová
    3. Tomáš Vimmr

Webinar description in Czech:

Webinář o evropském projektu BIO4EEB. Cílem projektu je prohloubit  znalosti o možnostech využití materiálů na bázi surovin rostlinného původu ve stavebnictví.  Projekt je zaměřen především na tepelné izolace. Webinář provede posluchače jednolivými fázemi projektu a zmíní hlavní předpokládané výstupy. Ve další části se zaměří na vybrané materiály a  jejich vlastnosti. V poslední části webináře bude představen demonstrační projekt  a závěrem bude poskytnut prostor pro otázky a odpovědi.

 Below you will find the recording of the webinar: 

Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.