BIO4EEB Local Open Event – Spain

Our partner, TANDEM, together with the support of R2M Solution France, organised the event on 29th of January 2024 in Spain in online webinar format. TANDEM took the opportunity to invite colleagues from INDRESMAT and AIMPLAS to describe the technologies which will be implemented in the Spanish pilot site. The objective of this Webinar was to introduce the BIO4EEB project to general public and professionals whom are directly or indirectly relate to the construction industry. The following topics were discussed in this webinar:

  1. What is BIO4EEB?
  2. Key objective of BIO4EEB
  3. Practical demonstration in pilot units
  4. Technologies to be implemented in the Spanish pilot unit
  5. Spanish pilot unit presentation
  6. Question round
  • Event title: BIO4EEB EN ESPAÑA
  • Date: 29th January 2024
  • Speakers:
    1. Pedro Herranz – TANDEM
    2. Jaime Beltrán – TANDEM
    3. Pablo R. Outón – INDRESMAT
    4. Sergio Navarro – AIMPLAS

The first round of local open events took place at the project’s 5 demo-case host countries. These series of events are held in local languages and would allow all target groups and especially the general public to concretely get informed about the BIO4EEB project.

Webinar description in Spanish:

“El objetivo de este Webinar es dar a conocer el proyecto BIO4EEB a profesionales relacionados directa o indirectamente con la industria de la construcción y promoción inmobiliaria.

  • ¿Qué es BIO4EEB?
  • Objetivo clave de BIO4EEB
  • Demostración práctica en unidades piloto
  • Tecnologías a implementar en la unidad piloto española
  • Presentación unidad piloto española
  • Ronda de preguntas”

 Below you will find the recording of the webinar: 

Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.