BIO4EEB Local Open Event – Lithuania

The first round of local open events are taking place at the project’s 5 demo-case host countries. These series of events are held in local languages and would allow all target groups and especially the general public to concretely get informed about the BIO4EEB project.

Applied Research Institute for Prospective Technologies (Protech) together with Lithuanian Housing Chamber and Lithuanian Solar Energy Association organized informative seminar for the Chairmen and Administrators of Communities of Residents of Multifamily Buildings dedicated to the advances and innovations in the multi apartment buildings renovation process. The seminar was held on 20th of November and was attended by 40 participants, whom were interested in the renovation process of multi-apartment buildings. During this event, Protech presented the BIO4EEB project, Lithuanian demo site and possibilities to use bio-based insulation materials during renovation process. Participants expressed sufficient interest to the presented information because in Lithuania there is a Multi apartment building renovation (modernization) programme, which is aimed to increase energy efficiency of multi apartment buildings. Therefore, participants were interested to receive last information and had many questions on the issue.

  • Event title: Seminar for the Chairmen and Administrators of Communities of Residents of Multifamily Buildings
  • Date: 20th November 2023
  • Location: Meeting hall of the Vilnius City Municipality Council
  • Speaker: Saulius Pakalka

Event description in Lithuanian:

Perspektyvinių technologijų taikomųjų tyrimų institutas (Protech), bendradarbiaudamas su Lietuvos būsto rūmais ir Lietuvos saulės energetikos asociacija, surengė informacinį seminarą daugiabučių namų gyventojų bendrijų pirmininkams ir administratoriams, skirtą aptarti daugiabučių namų renovacijos proceso inovacijas ir naujoves. Seminare dalyvavo 40 dalyvių, besidominčių daugiabučių namų renovacijos procesu. Šio renginio metu Protech pristatė BIO4EEB projekto veiklas, Lietuvoje esantį demonstracinį pastatą ir galimybes naudoti biologinės kilmės izoliacines medžiagas renovacijos metu. Pateikta informacija buvo aktuali renginio dalyviams ir sulaukė didelio susidomėjimo, nes Lietuvoje vykdoma daugiabučių namų atnaujinimo (modernizavimo) programa, kuria siekiama padidinti daugiabučių namų energetinį efektyvumą, kur taip pat galėtų būti panaudotos naujos izoliacinės medžiagos.