Meet the BIO4EEB partners | SOLINTEL

Meet the BIO4EEB partners advancing innovation in bio-based insulation materials for buildings. BIO4EEB brings into collaboration diverse expertise, engaging a well-balanced multidisciplinary consortium consists of partners from 10 European countries as well as one Latin American partner. 

👉 This week, we are happy to introduce SOLINTEL. The Spanish SME with more than two decades of experience in construction and energy sectors developing business in the interconnected building-energy value chain. Solintel combines engineering and consultancy services with their own building and energy projects acting as investor and developer. The company focuses in three main areas: Engineering services, Real states & renovations and Research & development.

👉 In BIO4EEB, Technical Coordination (TC) will be performed by Dr. Dery Torres representing SOLINTEL. The TC works closely with the WP leaders coordinating the innovation activities, risks evaluations and periodical technical reports. SOLINTEL will also contribute in exploring and developing the innovative business models and market analysis that will effectively support the wide scale diffusion and replication of the project retrofit solutions.